Sunday, January 27, 2008

Why this topic is important to me?

I think it would be very useful to understand the many available ways to cope with and manage stress before I enter the teaching profession. Knowing this information will aid me in being informed of the many types of stress I may encounter and the solutions available to help me overcome it. As a teacher in training it is my hope that I become a teacher who can handle her stress, providing my students with the best quality of instruction possible.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Teachers and Stress

Each and every one of us encounters some sort of stress in the run of a day, whether it be what to wear in the morning to something as serious as the death of a family member. One thing for sure is that teachers encounter many different kinds of stress in their occupation and in order to be the most effective teacher for their students they need to find ways in which they cope with the stresses. Once they have begun to cope there will be a huge impact on the quality of teaching that their students receive. Stress can interfere with everyday life, having impacts on the ways in which we perform. Teachers face many different kinds of stress in their classrooms and it is the ways in which they manage the stress and overcome it, providing the best lessons to their students that is important. Knowing how crucial it is to manage stress can improve how children learn and the environment in which they learn. If a teacher brings stress to the classroom students will bear the brunt of it, suffering due to the teachers inability to cope with stress. There is concrete evidence that teaching is one of the most stressful jobs. Studies have shown that as many as 50 percent of teachers leave the profession by the fifth year of teaching. This is sometimes caused by the abundant stress that the teachers face. Teachers are valuable to society and it is important for them to have the support that they need to do thier job to the best of thier ability.